The gap between teeth, or diastema, is a term used to describe a gap larger than 0.5 millimeters between teeth. It most commonly appears between the upper central incisors.
The gap between teeth, or diastema, is a term used to describe a gap larger than 0.5 millimeters between teeth. It most commonly appears between the upper central incisors.
We are convinced that choosing the right, high-quality toothbrush is crucial for maintaining oral health.
In the search for a radiant smile, many people have turned to alternative teeth whitening methods, with one of the most popular being activated charcoal.
When considering teeth whitening, it's crucial to be informed about the latest techniques that are both safe and approved by dental professionals.
Advances in dentistry have enabled new methods for straightening teeth without braces. Currently, aligners are the best way for orthodontic treatment.
Grinding teeth, or clenching the jaw during sleep in both children and adults, occurs as a result of bruxism. This is why aligners are one of the best solutions for this issue.
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